Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Abdominoplasty procedures are commonly performed to tighten up the abdominal wall. Typically after multiple pregnancies, women have developed a laxity of the abdominal wall that can not be improved with diet and exercise.

Any underlying hernias are repaired at the same time that the abdominal wall is repaired. Repair of the abdominal wall is accomplished with plication sutures that bring the rectus muscles together in the midline.

Typically after 4 weeks, patients are able to visualize the improvement in their abdominal contour. Patients who undergo abdominoplasty procedures have a high satisfaction rate.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Abdominoplasty: The Umbilical Contour

Abdominoplasty procedures are commonly performed to improve the abdominal contour. It is important when contouring the abdomen, to pay attention to the belly button. Not only is belly button position important, but so is the overall shape and how it heals. Healing can be unpredictable with several factors such as genetic make-up, diet, etc. having significant factors..

I prefer to use interrupted half-buried Nylon sutures to place the belly button. I find the Nylon sutures to be the least reactive and when placing them in a half-buried fashion, it tends to prevent the formation of track marks on the skin.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Abdominoplasty to Restore the Lower Abdomen

Abdominoplasty is a commonly performed procedure. Typically patients come to our offices who have been exercising for quite some time, but who have difficulty tightening their lower abdomen. After childbirth, the lower abdomen can become significantly loose and distended. Often times, the lower abdomen will not "tighten-up" despite sit-ups or crunches.

Abdominoplasty procedures can be helpful to tighten the lower abdomen. During an abdominoplasty, a muscle plication is performed where the lower abdominal muscles are brought back into their normal position.

Patients are often very happy following an abdominoplasty as their lower abdomen is often returned to their "pre-baby" appearance.